ECOS Feature Articles

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Search Results for: eu

ECOS 40(6): Return of the wolf in Northwestern Europe – A case of spontaneous rewilding

There are few cases of the striking return of a species once eradicated, particularly a [...]

ECOS 38 (1): Book Review: The Eurasian Beaver Handbook

THE EURASIAN BEAVER HANDBOOK Ecology and Management of Castor fiber Róisín Campbell-Palmer, Derek Gow, Gerhard [...]

ECOS 33 (1) Spring 2012. Letting the cat out of the bag: Eurasian lynx reintroduction in Scotland. James Thomson

Abstract: Conservation, game and land owning bodies have recently been discussing the conditions for any [...]

ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. New entrepreneurs in conservation – lessons from South Yorkshire’s Dearne Valley. Ian Rotherham

Abstract: The separation of nature from economy leads to ‘cultural severance’ and loss of species. [...]

ECOS 35 (1) Spring 2014 What future for Bears in Western Europe? Charles J. Wilson

Abstract: The brown bear has been pushed to the remotest forests and mountains in western [...]

ECOS 46 (1) – Illegal lynx releases signal discontent — a wake-up call for rewilding advocates

HANNAH L. TIMMINS · In early January 2025, four lynx, extinct in the UK, were [...]


Seeking a bright future for all life Edited by Joe Gray and Eileen Crist SUNY [...]

ECOS Interviews: SAM ROSE

Thoughts from influential nature conservationists… Sam Rose Career Highlights I played a pivotal role in [...]


The lost history of wolves in Britain, and the myths and stories that surround them [...]


The Life and Legacy of Oliver Rackham Editors Ian D Rotherham and Jennifer A Moody [...]

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