ECOS Feature Articles

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Search Results for: invasive

ECOS 40(5): Book Review: Invasive Aliens

INVASIVE ALIENS The plants and animals from over there that are over here Dan Eatherley [...]

ECOS 34 (2) Summer 2013. Saving Britain’s trees: countering the growing threat from invasive pests and disease. Clive Potter

Abstract: With the onset of ash die back, this article reviews the threats to tree [...]

ECOS 46 (1) – Illegal lynx releases signal discontent — a wake-up call for rewilding advocates

HANNAH L. TIMMINS · In early January 2025, four lynx, extinct in the UK, were [...]


Thoughts from influential nature conservationists… Sara Oldfield Career Highlights I am a plant enthusiast, hesitate [...]

ECOS 45 (6) – The spirit of rewilding

Releasing our grip on nature & rediscovering our own wildness PETER TAYLOR Rewilding has caught [...]


Thoughts from influential nature conservationists… Mathew Frith Career Highlights They have been numerous, but include [...]

ECOS 44 (5)- Biodiversity offset and planning gain in relation to habitat creation and translocation – the wise choices for wildlife

IAN D. ROTHERHAM Emerging in the 1980s and 1990s, ideas of habitat rescue and transplantation, [...]


How cars destroy nature and what we can do about it Paul F Donald Pelagic [...]

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ECOS 44 (3)- Guerrilla species restorations and reinforcements

HANNAH TIMMINS A tool for decentralising rewilding and generating public support or a disaster for [...]

Beyond the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation

Beyond the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation: From Lethal to Compassionate Conservation Anja Heister [...]