Category Archives: Articles
ECOS 40(6): Living with the wild: cores, connectivity and co-existence
As a geographer I am fascinated by issues of spatial scale and what that means [...]
ECOS 40(6): Movement ecology and rewilding
The level of hyperbole in the promotion of a Dutch concept of nature conservation, and [...]
ECOS 40(6): Principles of rewilding – from the heart
This article discusses the challenge of maintaining a social movement for rewilding in the face [...]
ECOS 40(6): The beaver’s tale
Ambushing the return of beavers The beaver’s advocates and foes include occupants of leather benches [...]
ECOS 40(6): Rewilding from an ocean away
A North American’s perspective on European rewilding I must admit, I look with envy at [...]
ECOS 40(6): The golden rules of rewilding – examining the case of Oostvaardersplassen
Helen Kopina, Simon Leadbeater, Paul Cryer This article adds to the “golden rules” of rewilding [...]
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ECOS 40(6): Return of the wolf in Northwestern Europe – A case of spontaneous rewilding
There are few cases of the striking return of a species once eradicated, particularly a [...]
ECOS 40(5): The Glover review – refining the finest landscapes?
The recommendations of the Glover panel’s Landscapes Review are not dissimilar to those in the [...]
ECOS 40(5): Gloom & doom, but room for optimism?
State of Nature report 2019 Would it not be wonderful if Britain was indeed a [...]
ECOS 40 (4): Undergraduate winner 2019: What are our otters eating?
Over the last 40 years populations of the elusive Eurasian Otter (Fig.1) have been increasing [...]