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Category Archives: ECOS 33 (3/4)

ECOS 33 (3/4) Winter 2012. Book reviews

Book reviews in this issue: – Fighting for birds: 25 years in Nature Conservation.  Mark [...]

ECOS 33 (3/4) Winter 2012. The Wildwood – giving up its secrets? Rick Minter

Abstract: Two children, two landowners and two zoologists were amongst visitors to the big cats [...]

ECOS 33 (3/4) Winter 2012. Reintroducing charismatic species to Scotland: the rhetoric and politics of a 21st century agenda. Koen Arts, Anke Fischer, René van der Wal

Abstract: Little attention is generally paid to how experts involved in species reintroductions argue, and [...]

ECOS 33 (3/4) Winter 2012. Wyre’s future forest – new ventures in a wooded landscape. John and Linda Iles

Abstract: The Wyre Forest National Nature Reserve sits alongside tracts of extensive commercial forestry. This [...]

ECOS 33 (3/4) Winter 2012. Landscape-scale conservation in the South West: Notes from the frontline. Lisa Schneidau

Abstract: Nature Improvement Areas are the current ‘big thing’ in landscape-scale conservation approaches. But how [...]

ECOS 33 (3/4) Winter 2012. Landscape-scale conservation: A progress report from the Weald. Henri Brocklebank

Abstract: The Wildlife Trusts have been talking about ‘bigger, better and more joined-up’ conservation for [...]

ECOS 33 (3/4) Winter 2012. Landscape-scale conservation for butterflies and moths: lessons from the UK. Nigel Bourn, Sam Ellis and Caroline Bulman

Abstract: In recent years Butterfly Conservation has shifted the majority of its conservation work from [...]

ECOS 33 (3/4) Winter 2012. Private and networked: Large Conservation Areas in Scotland. William Adams

Abstract: Scotland contains large conservation areas of many kinds. These range from estates managed as [...]

ECOS 33 (3/4) Winter 2012. Large-scale conservation in Great Britain: taking stock. Nicholas Macgregor, William Adams, Chris Hill, Felix Eigenbrod and Patrick Osborne

Abstract: Natural England has compiled a database of Large-Scale Conservation Projects and interviewed many practitioners [...]

ECOS 33 (3/4) Winter 2012. Landscape-scale – towards an integrated approach. Kate Ahern and Lyndis Cole

Abstract: The term landscape scale means different things to different people, viewed through the prisms [...]