ECOS 34 (2) Summer 2013. Helping the State of Nature – public duty and political evasion. Writing from: Adrian Phillips, Michael Jeeves, Ian Bond, Peter Shirley

Abstract: Following the May 2013 launch of the State of Nature report, ECOS asked around for reflections on the publication and the mainly negative trend it confirmed for Britain’s wildlife species. A consistent message is apparent amongst our commentators: how to keep engaging people with wildlife while reporting bad news? Alas RSPB, which led the Report, had nothing to say on the matter after our requests, but here are the forthright views of four authors…

Adrian Phillips: False choices and political blind spots
Michael Jeeves: The limit of shock tactics
Ian Bond: Living in hope
Peter Shirley: Earnestness or delight?

Download article as PDF: ECOS 34-2-59 Helping the State of Nature


Shirley, Peter et al. “ECOS 34 (2) Summer 2013. Helping the State of Nature – public duty and political evasion. Writing from: Adrian Phillips, Michael Jeeves, Ian Bond, Peter Shirley” ECOS vol. 34(2) 2013, British Association of Nature Conservationists,