ECOS Feature Articles

Welcome to the ECOS Archive - a compendium of 40 years of commentary and challenging writing on nature conservation in Britain.

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ECOS 40 (3): Editorial: The designer wild

Editorial by Geoffrey Wain There’s a snake in our eco-paradise according to Richard Smyth in [...]

ECOS 40(2): Editorial: Nature conservation – the questions of meaning

Editorial by Geoffrey Wain As several authors note in this issue, we’re a broad community [...]

ECOS 40(1): Editorial: A future vintage?

Editorial by Geoffrey Wain A future vintage? So here we are. ECOS at 40. On [...]

ECOS 39 (4): Editorial: Free radicals

Editorial by Geoffrey Wain Many readers began their interest in ECOS as a student, this [...]

ECOS 39 (3): Editorial: Money talks

Editorial by Geoffrey Wain The UK’s National Parks are not National, or Parks. Steve Carver [...]

ECOS 39 (2): Book Review: Understanding Animal Behaviour

UNDERSTANDING ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR Rory Putman Whittles Publishing 2018 178 pages Paperback, £18.99 ISBN: 978-1-84995-330-6 Review [...]

ECOS 39 (2): Editorial: Identity Crisis?

Editorial by Geoffrey Wain People think differently and people have varied outlooks. So what? Does [...]

ECOS 39 (1): Editorial: Nature’s Powerhouse

Editorial by Geoffrey Wain A Prime Minister’s day out at a wetland nature reserve is [...]

ECOS 38 (6): Editorial: Changing our face paints

Editorial by Geoffrey Wain We are all adorned by face paint – the markings of [...]

ECOS 38 (2): Editorial – Elections, Brexit? Relax…

Editorial by Geoffrey Wain “We could of course be existentialist about all this [celebrating wildlife], [...]