ECOS Feature Articles

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ECOS Archive
ECOS Author: Hannah Timmins

ECOS 44 (3)- Guerrilla species restorations and reinforcements

HANNAH TIMMINS A tool for decentralising rewilding and generating public support or a disaster for [...]

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GOD IS AN OCTOPUS: Love, Loss and a Calling to Nature Ben Goldsmith Bloomsbury Wildlife, [...]

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ECOS 43 (3.3.2)- Retrofitting carnivores into British culture: Lessons from Africa and Asia

Arguments for reintroducing wild carnivores into the British Isles are often deployed on ecological or [...]

ECOS 43 (3.3.1)- Living with Tigers- Coexistence with large carnivores

Authors: Hannah L Timmins, Sue Stolton, Nigel Dudley, Smriti Dahal and Mike Belecky Suggested citation: [...]