ECOS Feature Articles

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ECOS Archive
ECOS Author: James Thomson

James Thomson is a consultant and facilitator with Melt Communications.

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ECOS 39 (3): Book Review: THE LYNX AND US

THE LYNX AND US David Hetherington and Laurent Geslin Scotland the Big Picture2018170 PagesHardback £25ISBN: 978-0-9568423-2-9 [...]

ECOS 38 (3): Brexit and the Scottish Environment

Brexit brings uncertain challenges and unintended consequences for  Scotland’s environment. Keeping wildlife concerns integrated with [...]

ECOS 33 (1) Spring 2012. Letting the cat out of the bag: Eurasian lynx reintroduction in Scotland. James Thomson

Abstract: Conservation, game and land owning bodies have recently been discussing the conditions for any [...]