ECOS Feature Articles

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ECOS Archive
ECOS Edition: ECOS 2021

Book Review: Thinking while Walking

Thinking while Walking: Reflections on the Pacific Crest Trail Martin Bunzl Penny Street Press, New [...]

ECOS 42 (4): The Right to Roam; the impending colonisation of nature?

The first difficulty is to see that the problem is difficult… where we thought everything [...]


ECOS 42 (3): Time to put the wild back into rewilding

With rewilding in danger of becoming all things to all people we argue the need [...]


New environmental watchdog – A toothless and needless newcomer?

A toothless and needless newcomer? A knock-on effect of leaving the European Union is major [...]

1 Comment

Book review: Wild Teesside

WILD TEESSIDE – Thirty years of industry and nature Ian Bond, Mike Leakey, Robert Woods, [...]

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Book review: The Accidental Countryside

THE ACCIDENTAL COUNTRYSIDE: Hidden Havens for Britain’s Wildlife Stephen Moss Guardian Faber, 2020, 260 pages [...]

Postgraduate Winner 2020: People and nature – are we listening to the right voices?

In the New Year of 2019, I was fortunate to be surrounded by outlandish natural [...]

Undergraduate Winner 2020: Does conservation have A diversity problem?

When I walked into my first day of studying Wildlife Conservation at university, one of [...]

Postgraduate Highly Commended 2020: Lessons from Scotland’s rewilding vs. repeopling debate

As a number of authors in ECOS and elsewhere have made clear, rewilding is both [...]