ECOS Feature Articles

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Tag Archives: agri-environment schemes

ECOS 36 (3/4) Managing for nature A farmer’s view on wildlife schemes. Martin Hole

Abstract: This article gives a farmer’s perspective of working with agri-environment schemes. Experience to date [...]

ECOS 36 (1) Spring 2015. The expensive education of Britain’s nature conservation community. Alistair Crowle

Abstract: There seems little unified thinking amongst UK wildlife groups, resulting in a lack of [...]

ECOS 33 (2) Summer 2012. Lapwing futures – a plea for evidence-based policy. Philip Merricks

Abstract: Farmers and conservationists have a common cause in doing their utmost to halt and [...]

ECOS 35 (1) Spring 2014 Agricultural reform in England – Towards a greener farm policy? Lisa Schneidau

Abstract: The current round of farm policy negotiations will shape the next seven years. Why [...]

ECOS 35 (1) Spring 2014 Why don’t environmental payments work? John Bowers

Abstract: The origins of agri-environment schemes (AES) lie with safeguarding SSSIs in the late 1960s [...]