Tag Archives: agriculture
Sixty Harvests Left
Sixty Harvests Left: How to reach a nature-friendly future Philip Lymbery Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, [...]
Divide: the relationship crisis between town and country Anna Jones Kyle Books, London, 2022, 288 [...]
Book review: Silent Earth
Silent Earth: Averting the Insect Apocalypse Dave Goulson Harper Collins, New York, 2021, 336 Pages [...]
ECOS 40(1): ECOS revisited – highlights and lessons from the early years
Editions Reviewed: ECOS 1 (2), 1 (4), 4 (1) Refreshed perspectives… For many of us [...]
The human element in farmland management
How studying beetles led me to study people My undergraduate dissertation on beneficial beetles in [...]
ECOS 32 (1) Spring 2011. Food for thought: the real costs of intensive farming. Ruth Boogert
Abstract: Intensive industrial agriculture is at a crossroads. Trends in intensification and super-scale livestock units [...]
ECOS 34 (3/4) Winter 2013. Integrating nature and agriculture – towards a new vision. Gavin Saunders and Simon Brenman
Abstract: The conservation sector in the UK needs to engage more fully with the debate [...]
ECOS 35 (1) Spring 2014 Agricultural reform in England – Towards a greener farm policy? Lisa Schneidau
Abstract: The current round of farm policy negotiations will shape the next seven years. Why [...]
ECOS 35 (1) Spring 2014 Why don’t environmental payments work? John Bowers
Abstract: The origins of agri-environment schemes (AES) lie with safeguarding SSSIs in the late 1960s [...]