Tag Archives: austerity
ECOS 36 (2) Austerity politics – any place for nature? Mike Townsend
Abstract: The result of the election may have been a surprise, but it is not [...]
ECOS 36 (2) Summer 2015. Freeing up nature – from ourselves and from market forces. Peter Shirley, p.2
Abstract: Economic forces in the UK are increasingly ranged against the natural world. Given the [...]
ECOS 36 (1) Spring 2015. Community management of public land: Keeping green assets available. Mark Walton
Abstract: At a time of austerity and a shrinking state we need to create new [...]
ECOS 32 (1) Spring 2011. Educated and willing… but unemployed! The state of the conservation job market. Rachel Kempson
Abstract: Embarking on a career in the current environmental-conservation job market is not an easy [...]
ECOS 32 (1) Spring 2011. All you need is love? Gavin Saunders
Abstract: Mapping out a positive way ahead for conservation beyond the current period of austerity [...]
ECOS 33 (1) Spring 2012. When the going gets tough… Jonathan Somper
Abstract: Evidence suggests that around one half of NGOs are coping with the challenging financial [...]
ECOS 33 (2) Summer 2012. Councils in adversity – why less isn’t more for nature. Mike Oxford
Abstract: This article reviews the feedback provided by wildlife staff across local councils in England, [...]
ECOS 33 (2) Summer 2012. Conservation in a time of austerity – why fund nature? Mike Townsend
Abstract: Why has an appealing subject like wildlife protection and the environment become an easy [...]
ECOS 33 (2) Summer 2012. Paying our way: affording nature in hard times. Tony Whitbread
Abstract: Is looking after the environment an act of charity, to be funded by those [...]