ECOS Feature Articles

Welcome to the ECOS Archive - a compendium of 40 years of commentary and challenging writing on nature conservation in Britain.

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Tag Archives: BANC

Double Whammy For Nature

Dealing with major threats is one of the Government’s fundamental jobs. Whether it is social [...]

Crisis talks: old wisdom meets new energy

Two eye-witness accounts of November’s ECOS/UCL mini-conference To mark our 40th anniversary, ECOS joined forces [...]

ECOS 40(6): Principles of rewilding – from the heart

This article discusses the challenge of maintaining a social movement for rewilding in the face [...]

ECOS 40(6): Book Review: Rewilding

REWILDING: ECOS writing on wildland and conservation values Peter Taylor (Ed) ECOS/BANC, 2011, 494 pages [...]

ECOS 40 (3): Editorial: The designer wild

Editorial by Geoffrey Wain There’s a snake in our eco-paradise according to Richard Smyth in [...]

ECOS 40(3): ECOS Revisited: 1991-2010 sustainability slowly emerges

Editions reviewed:ECOS 24(1), 24(3/4), 26(1), 29(2) In 2001, and mid-point of this ECOS review period, [...]

ECOS 40(3): Nature’s place – what should live where?

What are our reference points for taking a stance on whether something belongs in the [...]

ECOS 40(3): Post-Nature writing?

A personal view of what nature writing might break in case of an emergency. Gritty [...]

ECOS 40(3): Book Review: Working With Nature

Jeremy Purseglove Profile Books, 2019, 271 pages £14.99 Hardback, ISBN 9781788161596 Review by James Robertson [...]

ECOS 40(3): Book Review: The Wild Remedy

Emma Mitchell Michael O’Mara Books, 2019, 192 pages Hbk £14.99  ISBN: 9781789290424  Review by Janet Mackinnon “I [...]