ECOS Feature Articles

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Tag Archives: biodiversity

ECOS 44 (5.1)- Selling England by the pound

IAN D. ROTHERHAM Biodiversity offset as conservation opportunity or clever scam? This is an opinion [...]

ECOS 44 (5)- Biodiversity offset and planning gain in relation to habitat creation and translocation – the wise choices for wildlife

IAN D. ROTHERHAM Emerging in the 1980s and 1990s, ideas of habitat rescue and transplantation, [...]

ECOS 40 (4) 2019: Undergraduate runner up: The crash of ash

Ash trees across the UK are dying following the relentless spread of the ‘ash dieback’ [...]

ECOS 40(3): Nature’s place – what should live where?

What are our reference points for taking a stance on whether something belongs in the [...]

ECOS 40(2): Nature conservation’s future – back to basics?

Protecting priority sites and species should remain our key concern. In the digital age we [...]

ECOS 17 (2) Spring 1996 Biodiversity: Nature for Nerds? Paul Evans

Abstract: Biodiversity has emerged as a package of concerns with a political impetus which is [...]

ECOS 32 (1) Spring 2011. Deer management and biodiversity in England: the efficacy and ethics of culling. Simon Leadbeater

Abstract: This article examines the issues associated with controlling deer numbers in order to protect [...]

ECOS 32 (1) Spring 2011. Biodiversity’s special year – a flagship or a flop? Andrew Harby

Abstract: Are UN labels worth the effort for conservation groups? Do they offer more bland [...]

ECOS 34 (3/4) Winter 2013 Biodiversity offsets – an unnecessary evil? (Mike Townsend)

Abstract: The Government is consulting on biodiversity offsets to spede the planning process. The notion [...]

ECOS 34 (3/4) Winter 2013 Biodiversity offsets’ use in the UK: How, where and when? Joseph Bull

Abstract: Leaping to rash conclusions about biodiversity offsets based on a limited outlook on their [...]