ECOS Feature Articles

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ECOS Archive
Tag Archives: Britain

ECOS 45 (3) – How modern management erases ‘Ancient Woods’

IAN D. ROTHERHAM A rich resource for people, wildlife, and heritage Ancient woodland is, in [...]

ECOS 44 (4)- Are countryside managers responsible for Britain’s 2022 summer wildfires?

BRYN GREEN Heath and grassland fires – causes and effects Like 1976, the exceptionally long, [...]

Horses for Nature: Equids and extensive grazing in Britain

Equids and extensive grazing in Britain: This article discusses the various issues associated with the [...]

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ECOS 37 (2) The red tape of rewilding. Jennifer Gooden

Abstract: As rewilding gains traction in conservation, a host of regulations and policies makes implementation [...]

ECOS 35 (3/4) Rewilding in Britain: lessons from the past 15 years. Peter Taylor

Abstract: The profile of rewilding is rising and the old and struggling order of conservation [...]