ECOS Feature Articles

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Tag Archives: charity

ECOS 38 (6): Gender equality in the Wildlife Trusts

Women now have a near equal share of middle ranking and management roles amongst Wildlife [...]

1 Comment

ECOS 37 (2) Wilder visions, wilder lives, wilder nature? Challenges for a new rewilding charity. Helen Meech

Abstract: As the new charity Rewilding Britain moves into its second year of operation, this [...]

ECOS 32 (1) Spring 2011. Editorial: Partners in Crime? Geoffrey Wain

Download editorial as PDF: ECOS 32-1-1 Editorial Partners in Crime

ECOS 33 (1) Spring 2012. When the going gets tough… Jonathan Somper

Abstract: Evidence suggests that around one half of NGOs are coping with the challenging financial [...]