ECOS Feature Articles

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Tag Archives: James Robertson

ECOS 40(5): Book Review: Our Place

OUR PLACE Can we save Britain’s wildlife before it is too late? Mark Cocker Jonathon [...]

ECOS 40(3): Book Review: Working With Nature

Jeremy Purseglove Profile Books, 2019, 271 pages £14.99 Hardback, ISBN 9781788161596 Review by James Robertson [...]

ECOS 30 (3/4) Whole issue

Download issue as PDF: ECOS 30 3-4 Full issue Editorial: A house without foundations. Martin [...]

ECOS 37 (2) Nature and the call of the wild. James Robertson

Abstract: When ECOS first appeared as a radical voice for nature conservation in winter 1980, [...]

ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. Welsh nature – riches to be protected or resources to be plundered? James Robertson

Abstract: This article considers the background to the creation of Natural Resources Wales (NRW). Do [...]