ECOS Feature Articles

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Tag Archives: leadership

ECOS 33 (1) Spring 2012. For Nature’s sake. Mark Avery

Abstract: British nature needs a strong campaigning voice. Public bodies charged with defending wildlife are [...]

ECOS 33 (1) Spring 2012. Cometh the hour? Peter Shirley

Abstract: This article discusses the current forces affecting the role and the influence of wildlife [...]

ECOS 34 (2) Summer 2013. We can still be heroes. Gavin Saunders

Abstract: Where is the critical independent debate taking place in the conservation sector these days? [...]

ECOS 35 (1) Spring 2014 Editorial: Hedging our bets. Gavin Saunders

Download this article as a PDF here: ECOS 35-1-1 Editorial Hedging our bets