ECOS Feature Articles

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ECOS Archive
Tag Archives: policy

Betrayal of Nature

When Liz Truss became Prime Minister I had the temerity to offer her advice on [...]


Letter to our new Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister, Nature needs leadership Congratulations on your success in rising to number 10.  [...]

Nature at the Crossroads

Introduction Well, maybe more at Spaghetti Junction than at a crossroads. Even though nature is [...]

ECOS 39 (1): A Green Future

Is the Government’s new 25 year plan for the environment a sign it is desperately [...]

Behaviour change measures in conservation

Behaviour change measures are used in fields such as public health, but have only recently [...]

ECOS 38 (2): The nitrogen narrative

Excessive nitrogen in air pollution is having a devastating on fungi and plants, soils and [...]

ECOS 38 (2): Book Review: THE FIGHT FOR BEAUTY

THE FIGHT FOR BEAUTY Our path to a better future Fiona Reynolds Oneworld 2016 ISBN: [...]

ECOS 37 (2) The red tape of rewilding. Jennifer Gooden

Abstract: As rewilding gains traction in conservation, a host of regulations and policies makes implementation [...]

ECOS 37 (1) Spring 2016. Nature conservation – a nudge towards rewilding. Harry Barton

Abstract: As nature conservation looks for renewed purpose it may be time to consider rewilding [...]

ECOS 37 (1) Spring 2016. Rewilding national parks – moor than meets the eye. Meriel Harrison

Abstract: Wildlife conservation in England’s National Parks comes under scrutiny from many different camps. The [...]