ECOS Archive
Tag Archives: Scotland
Postgraduate Highly Commended 2020: Lessons from Scotland’s rewilding vs. repeopling debate
As a number of authors in ECOS and elsewhere have made clear, rewilding is both [...]
ECOS 40(6): Book Review: Scotland – A Rewilding Journey
SCOTLAND – A Rewilding Journey Susan Wright, Peter Cairns & Nick Underdown (plus contributor essays) [...]
ECOS 40(2): The meaning of nature conservation – a personal journey
Reawakening nature on your home ground – lessons from a collective effort in Dumfriesshire. Looking [...]
ECOS 38 (5): Book Reviews: The Red Squirrel
THE RED SQUIRREL A Future in the Forest Neil McIntyre and Polly Pullar SCOTLAND: The [...]
ECOS 38 (3): Brexit and the Scottish Environment
Brexit brings uncertain challenges and unintended consequences for Scotland’s environment. Keeping wildlife concerns integrated with [...]
ECOS 33 (1) Spring 2012. Tolerating the Tay beavers. Derek Gow
Abstract: The Tay beavers will be monitored between now and the end of the Knapdale [...]
ECOS 33 (1) Spring 2012. Letting the cat out of the bag: Eurasian lynx reintroduction in Scotland. James Thomson
Abstract: Conservation, game and land owning bodies have recently been discussing the conditions for any [...]
ECOS 33 (1) Spring 2012. Scottish and reform: A lost opportunity for community landownership? Alexandra Henderson
Abstract: Land reform in Scotland raises huge opportunities for remote areas of the Highlands and [...]
ECOS 33 (3/4) Winter 2012. Reintroducing charismatic species to Scotland: the rhetoric and politics of a 21st century agenda. Koen Arts, Anke Fischer, René van der Wal
Abstract: Little attention is generally paid to how experts involved in species reintroductions argue, and [...]
ECOS 33 (3/4) Winter 2012. Private and networked: Large Conservation Areas in Scotland. William Adams
Abstract: Scotland contains large conservation areas of many kinds. These range from estates managed as [...]
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