Tag Archives: Simon Leadbeater
Book Review: Thirteen paces by four
THIRTEEN PACES BY FOUR: Backyard Biophilia and the Emerging Earth Ethic Joe Gray Dixi Books, [...]
Book Review: The Imagination of Plants
THE IMAGINATION OF PLANTS: A Book of Botanical Mythology Mathew Hall State University of New [...]
Crisis talks: old wisdom meets new energy
Two eye-witness accounts of November’s ECOS/UCL mini-conference To mark our 40th anniversary, ECOS joined forces [...]
ECOS 40(1): Book Review: Thus Spoke the Plant
THUS SPOKE THE PLANT A remarkable journey of groundbreaking scientific discoveries and personal encounters with [...]
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ECOS 37 (2) Rewilding versus re-creating and re-homing: Lessons from a PAWS woodland. Simon Leadbeater
Abstract: This article discusses lessons for rewilding from pursuing complementary management objectives to halt and [...]
ECOS 36 (2) Compassionate conservation – making the case. Simon Leadbeater
Abstract: This article reviews Marc Bekoff’s book Ignoring Nature No More, and discusses the various [...]
ECOS 32 (1) Spring 2011. Deer management and biodiversity in England: the efficacy and ethics of culling. Simon Leadbeater
Abstract: This article examines the issues associated with controlling deer numbers in order to protect [...]
ECOS 33 (2) Summer 2012. Rat Island – lessons from ancient Aotearoa for middle England today. Simon Leadbeater
Abstract: This article began as a book review of William Stolzenburg’s Rat Island (Bloomsbury 2011). [...]
ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. The future of England’s green agencies: with writing from Peter Shirley and Simon Leadbeater
Abstract: Should we welcome the current review of Natural England and the Environment Agency or [...]
ECOS 34 (2) Summer 2013. Learning from Max Nicholson. From managing population growth to tackling ecocide. Simon Leadbeater
Abstract: 10 years after the conservation visionary Max Nicholson died, this article discusses how we [...]