ECOS Feature Articles

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Tag Archives: volunteering

ECOS 39(6): ‘Own Transport Preferred’: Potential problems with long-term volunteering and internships

Conservation organisations rely heavily on volunteers, and many also offer paid and unpaid internships. Gaining [...]

ECOS 30 (3/4) Whole issue

Download issue as PDF: ECOS 30 3-4 Full issue Editorial: A house without foundations. Martin [...]

ECOS 32 (1) Spring 2011. Educated and willing… but unemployed! The state of the conservation job market. Rachel Kempson

Abstract: Embarking on a career in the current environmental-conservation job market is not an easy [...]

ECOS 32 (1) Spring 2011. Big Society and the environment – empowerment or takeover? Diana Warburton

Abstract: The Big Society is seen as offering exciting new opportunities for the voluntary and [...]