ECOS Feature Articles

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ECOS Archive
Tag Archives: woodland

ECOS 38 (5): Book Review: Woodland Development

WOODLAND DEVELOPMENT A Long Term Study of Lady Park Wood George Peterken and Edward Mountford [...]


ECOS 38 (3): Brexit landscapes of the Welsh hinterland

The character and the wildlife potential of the Mid Wales landscape remains uncertain and deeply [...]

ECOS 36 (1) Spring 2015. Wildlife and conservation in community woods: Business as usual? Alexander van der Jagt, Bianca Ambrose-Oji, Anna Lawrence

Abstract: Social and community enterprise projects in woodland management are on the rise in Britain. [...]

ECOS 36 (1) Spring 2015. A Forest Charter: Pointers to the future from lessons of the past. Frances Winder

Abstract: This article reviews the challenge of making progress on wildlife protection amidst governments fixated [...]

ECOS 34 (2) Summer 2013. Resilient and adaptive wooded landscapes. Mike Townsend

Abstract: The emergence or threat of a number of aggressive woodland pests and diseases, in [...]