Category Archives: ECOS 37 (3/4)
ECOS 37 (3/4) Book reviews
Books reviewed in this issue: – Common Ground. Rob Cowen – The Ash Tree. Oliver [...]
ECOS 37 (3/4) Family ties. Human views of Nature – time to see goodness before wildness? Gavin Saunders
Abstract: To be human is to be part of Nature. And yet to be human [...]
ECOS 37 (3/4) Lessons from an old oak. Martin Spray
Abstract: Are humans part of Nature?… A walk in the forest; a threat to the [...]
ECOS 37 (3/4) Technobiophilia – Coming to terms with cyber-nature. Sue Thomas
Abstract: Some features of the ‘natural world’ that we greatly value are also found online; [...]
ECOS 37 (3/4) Rewilding and ecosystem health: parallels with human health care. Andrew Blewett
Abstract: There are instructive parallels between ecosystem health management and human health care. Evidence based [...]
ECOS 37 (3/4) The challenge of wild nature conserving itself. Mark Fisher and Alison Parfitt
Abstract: The last edition of ECOS had a lot to say about rewilding in its [...]
ECOS 37 (3/4) Stasis and the State of Nature in Wales. Mick Green
Abstract: The grim decline of nature in the UK continues. 56% of UK species studied [...]
ECOS 37 (3/4) At your service? The limits of enterprise with nature at stake. Chris Gibson
Abstract: This article discusses the pros and cons of Natural England’s cost recovery approach in [...]
ECOS 37 (3/4) Brexit’s countryside – giving nature the edge? Bill Grayson
Abstract: The best characteristics of agri-environment measures need to be taken forward and honed in [...]
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