ECOS Archive
Tag Archives: health
ECOS 38 (5): Book Review: The Nature Fix
THE NATURE FIX Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier and More Creative Florence Williams W.W. [...]
ECOS 37 (3/4) Rewilding and ecosystem health: parallels with human health care. Andrew Blewett
Abstract: There are instructive parallels between ecosystem health management and human health care. Evidence based [...]
ECOS 32 (1) Spring 2011. Food for thought: the real costs of intensive farming. Ruth Boogert
Abstract: Intensive industrial agriculture is at a crossroads. Trends in intensification and super-scale livestock units [...]
ECOS 34 (2) Summer 2013. Resilient and adaptive wooded landscapes. Mike Townsend
Abstract: The emergence or threat of a number of aggressive woodland pests and diseases, in [...]
ECOS 34 (2) Summer 2013. Saving Britain’s trees: countering the growing threat from invasive pests and disease. Clive Potter
Abstract: With the onset of ash die back, this article reviews the threats to tree [...]
ECOS 35 (2) Summer 2014 The benefits of engaging with nature through learning in natural environments. Justin Dillon
Abstract: Learning in the natural environment has a number of direct and indirect benefits. So [...]