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ECOS Archive
ECOS Author: Mick Green

Mick Green, BSc MA, CEnv, FCIEEM has been a conservationist covering many roles. He is now unsure of his role but perhaps ‘natural philosopher’ would suffice.

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Writings of Roy Bamford Gwyllt a Rhydd,  2023, 311 pages Paperback: £9.95 | ISBN 978-1-3999-6666-5 [...]

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SHAPING THE WILD: Wisdom From A Welsh Hill Farm David Elias Calon, 2023, 232 pages [...]

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Admitting defeat: why I am quitting nature conservation

Disclaimer: while this piece refers to various conservation organisations and structures, I apologise in advance [...]


ECOS 39(3): Caring for nature in a post-Brexit Wales

Are Welsh Ministers and departments working with or against nature in the Brexit era? Their [...]

ECOS 38 (2): Book Review: SECRETS OF THE SEA

SECRETS OF THE SEA A journey into the heart of the oceans Alex Mustard and [...]

ECOS 37 (3/4) Stasis and the State of Nature in Wales. Mick Green

Abstract: The grim decline of nature in the UK continues. 56% of UK species studied [...]

ECOS 36 (1) Spring 2015. Consultancy collectives – a broader approach to wildlife research and survey. Mick Green

Abstract: This article reviews the trends in non-for profit consultancy and in the ecological consultancy [...]

ECOS 33 (1) Spring 2012. A lifeless living Wales? Mick Green

Abstract: Consultations on green reforms in Wales, including a single environmental delivery body, have set [...]

ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. Wales’ new officialdom – Nature’s wealth or wrath? Mick Green

Abstract: Conservation reforms in Wales have reached a milestone with the dissolution of conservation agencies [...]

ECOS 34 (3/4) Winter 2013 Assessing the Cardigan Bay bottlenose dolphin SACs. Mark Peter Simmonds, Mick Green, Vicki James, Sonja Eisfeld, Rob Lott

Abstract: Cardigan Bay in Wales and adjacent waters are important for marine wildlife and have [...]