ECOS Feature Articles

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Tag Archives: trees


Ian Parsons Whittles Publishing, 2024, 160 pages Papaerback £18.99 | ISBN 978-1-84995-574-4 Review by Barry [...]

ECOS 40(1): Third Division

Plants, in nature conservation and beyond, are commonly treated as third-division players. They are “not [...]

ECOS 39 (3): ‘The city that hates trees’ – Standing up to the Sheffield Street-Tree Slaughter

Mass felling of healthy street-trees in Sheffield has led to public uproar and a realisation [...]

ECOS 39 (1): Continuous Cover Forestry and Rewilding

Better understanding of Continuous Cover Forestry could steer much UK forestry practice towards the wider [...]

Book Review: The Wood For The Trees and The Hidden Life Of Trees

THE WOOD FOR THE TREES The Long View of Nature from a Small Wood Richard [...]

ECOS 34 (2) Summer 2013. Resilient and adaptive wooded landscapes. Mike Townsend

Abstract: The emergence or threat of a number of aggressive woodland pests and diseases, in [...]

ECOS 34 (2) Summer 2013. Saving Britain’s trees: countering the growing threat from invasive pests and disease. Clive Potter

Abstract: With the onset of ash die back, this article reviews the threats to tree [...]