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ECOS 34(1) Spring 2013. Book Reviews

Books reviewed in this issue: – Fauna Scotica: Animals and people in Scotland. Polly Pullar [...]

ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. Conservation: a fading label? Peter Taylor

Abstract: Is ‘conservation’ an outdated label in today’s era of managing nature? This article presents [...]

ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. Forest policy resolved? The future’s hunky-dory… Martin Spray

Abstract: The Government’s response to the 2012 Future of the Forests report from the Forestry [...]

ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. Trump’s golf course – Society’s nature. The death and resurrection of nature conservation. Koen Arts and Gina Maffrey

Abstract: The story of Trump’s golf resort development in Scotland, part of which falls on [...]

ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. Fighting the green token – mid Wales revolts against turbines. Alison Davies

Abstract: 815 industrial scale wind turbines, plus 50 supposedly ‘domestic’ (100+ foot high) wind turbines [...]

ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. Wales’ new officialdom – Nature’s wealth or wrath? Mick Green

Abstract: Conservation reforms in Wales have reached a milestone with the dissolution of conservation agencies [...]

ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. Welsh nature – riches to be protected or resources to be plundered? James Robertson

Abstract: This article considers the background to the creation of Natural Resources Wales (NRW). Do [...]

ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. The future of England’s green agencies: with writing from Peter Shirley and Simon Leadbeater

Abstract: Should we welcome the current review of Natural England and the Environment Agency or [...]

ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. Greening the funeral business. Ruth Boogert

Abstract: Natural burials claim to offer cheaper and more environmentally friendly end-of-life choices. This article [...]

ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. Heathland futures – a role for wood-fuel lots? Ian Rotherham and Paul Titterton

Abstract: Management of heathlands has been problematic for some decades and the situation is now [...]