ECOS Archive
ECOS Edition: 2015
ECOS 36 (3/4) Managing for nature A farmer’s view on wildlife schemes. Martin Hole
Abstract: This article gives a farmer’s perspective of working with agri-environment schemes. Experience to date [...]
ECOS 36 (3/4) Evidence-based or evidence-blind? Priorities for revitalising conservation. Clive Hambler
Abstract: As conservationists pursue their goals of defending and managing the natural world, too often [...]
ECOS36 (3/4) Revitalising conservation – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Simon Ayres
Abstract: Nature conservation aims are not ambitious enough, nature reserves are too small, and the [...]
ECOS 36 (3/4) Nature conservation: barking up the wrong tree? Miles King
Abstract: Caring for nature is a message widely embraced by people and by businesses, yet [...]
ECOS 36 (3/4) Conservation wisdom: Looking back to look forward. David Blake
Abstract: People helping wildlife have worked the land for generations with commitment, passion and wisdom. [...]
ECOS 36 (3/4) Grounded thinking to grounded action – Steps to revitalising conservation. Sophie Lake and members of VINE
Abstract: This article reflects some views and discussion amongst members of VINE (Values in Nature [...]
ECOS 36 (3/4) Winter 2015. In search of Nature’s renaissance people. Gavin Saunders
Abstract: Some voices say conservation needs to pull itself together and become a rigorous scientific, [...]
ECOS 36 (3/4) Editorial: Loving the Greenwood. Geoffrey Wain
‘It’s not about the money’ says David Blake in this issue, as he considers conservation’s [...]
ECOS 36 (2) Revitalising conservation: ECOS next issue and beyond
Revitalising conservation is a major new theme being investigated by ECOS and BANC. How can [...]
ECOS 36 (2) Book reviews
Books reviewed in this issue: The New Wild: Why Invasive Species will be Nature’s Salvation. [...]