Revitalising conservation is a major new theme being investigated by ECOS and BANC. How can the spirit of nature conservation be re-energised in coming years, and what’s needed to bring more direction and more clout to conservation…?
Losing ground?
Nature conservation is more challenged in 2015, as an idea and as a profession, than ever before. Despite general public support for wildlife, and strong membership of wildlife and heritage charities, nature conservation is politically downtrodden and wildlife losses continue.
BANC and ECOS have held watch over the conservation movement for 35 years, and the need to revitalise conservation activity is greatly apparent. Over coming months we will be talking with friends and allies to consider how and why conservation has lost ground, and to generate ideas for refreshing the conceptual cause of nature conservation.
Key questions
We want to understand where the conservation movement has come from, what its roots and values are, and what it really now means. What has it achieved so far? At its high points, what have been the ingredients of success? Right now, what is going right, and wrong? And finally, what does conservation activity most need now as a shot in the arm?
Coming activities and your input
Early thoughts in ECOS and through BANC twitter discussions have already emerged, and the BANC field day and AGM on 26 September is scoping ideas for further work. See for updates.
The next ECOS, 36 (3-4) will major on the topic: a range of different practitioners will offer thoughts on the questions above, and we will have highlights from the 26 September event, Plotting in the Woods. There will be more coverage for revitalising conservation across some of the following editions in 2016, and in a BANC event. There is of course much energy and experience amongst our members and readers, so if you have views on the key questions above, or ideas for ECOS coverage on this topic, please contribute via BANC’s Facebook or twitter pages or get in touch…