ECOS Feature Articles

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ECOS 37 (2) Summer 2016. Whole issue

Access whole of ECOS 37 (2) Summer 2016 Download whole issue as PDF: Whole edition [...]

ECOS 37 (2) Editorial: Losing Control. Geoffrey Wain

Download editorial as PDF: ECOS 37-2-1 Editorial ‘Don’t be pushy’ is the message from Rob [...]

ECOS 37 (2) The wildness delusion: in defense of shared-willed land. Gavin Saunders

Abstract: Many conservationists need shaking out of lazy assumptions. But we should beware replacing those [...]

ECOS 37 (2) Reintroductions and releases on the Isle of Man – lessons from recent retreats. Nick Pinder

Abstract: Recent proposals for the release of white-tailed sea eagles and red squirrels on the [...]

ECOS 37 (2) Rewilding in the UK – hidden meanings, real emotions. Rob Yorke

Abstract: The word rewilding has become common currency in nature conservation narratives, but it rarely [...]

ECOS 37 (2) Rewilding versus re-creating and re-homing: Lessons from a PAWS woodland. Simon Leadbeater

Abstract: This article discusses lessons for rewilding from pursuing complementary management objectives to halt and [...]

ECOS 37 (2) Nature and the call of the wild. James Robertson

Abstract: When ECOS first appeared as a radical voice for nature conservation in winter 1980, [...]

ECOS 37 (2) Purbeck: A place for rewilding? Alison Turnock

Abstract: Is the approach of rewilding helpful or achievable in a place like Purbeck in [...]

ECOS 37 (2) Rewilding – keeping brand integrity. Mike Townsend

Abstract: Rewilding offers an exciting opportunity to reconsider our attitudes and approach to nature. Embracing [...]

ECOS 37 (2) Rewilding: implications for nature conservation. Chris Sandom

Abstract: Rewilding has fired the imaginations of many, but much misunderstanding remains around what rewilding [...]