ECOS Feature Articles

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ECOS Archive
Tag Archives: nature

ECOS 37 (3/4) Technobiophilia – Coming to terms with cyber-nature. Sue Thomas

Abstract: Some features of the ‘natural world’ that we greatly value are also found online; [...]

ECOS 17 (2) Spring 1996 Biodiversity: Nature for Nerds? Paul Evans

Abstract: Biodiversity has emerged as a package of concerns with a political impetus which is [...]

ECOS 37 (1) Spring 2016. Nature conservation in Britain – turning the tide? Alistair Crowle

Abstract: This article follows up recent debate in ECOS over revitalising conservation. It argues that [...]

ECOS 36 (3/4) Nature and two legs. Martin Spray

Abstract: Exploring, understanding, and enthusing about nature require both art and science. Download article as [...]

ECOS 36 (1) Spring 2015. A Forest Charter: Pointers to the future from lessons of the past. Frances Winder

Abstract: This article reviews the challenge of making progress on wildlife protection amidst governments fixated [...]

ECOS 32 (1) Spring 2011. From understanding to action – the consequences of how we label nature. Clare O’Reilly

Abstract: A recent popular science book on the history of taxonomy (Naming Nature: The Clash [...]

ECOS 34 (3/4) Winter 2013. Integrating nature and agriculture – towards a new vision. Gavin Saunders and Simon Brenman

Abstract: The conservation sector in the UK needs to engage more fully with the debate [...]

ECOS 34 (3/4) Winter 2013 Nature blogging – a personal perspective. Miles King

Abstract: What role can blogs plan in debate on nature conservation and how influential might [...]

ECOS 35 (2) Summer 2014 Green and pleasant heritage. Martin Spray

Abstract: Ian Rotherham’s article ‘The call of the wild’ in ECOS 35(1) 2014 prompted some [...]

ECOS 35 (2) Summer 2014 BioBlitz: a growing movement in wildlife recording. Matt Postles

Abstract: BioBlitz events are local wildlife surveys often engaging public audiences to identify and record [...]